Digital Commission Artist


My name is Moon! I am a hobbyist digital artist that dabbles in commission work from time to time. My style is colorful, cute, and largely inspired by Renaissance Disney. Other influences include anime, Flying Bark productions, and styles based off my art inspirations.

About Me

My creative spark ignited watching Disney Gargoyles as a kid. By 2015 I decided to create my own original characters and stories. I later moved from original story writing to fan based work. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles became my first fandom and my biggest inspiration for years. With TMNT I started character designing and writing fanfiction, learning at a rapid pace that led to one of my more successful fanfics, Survivor of the Zodiac. From 2019 to 2022 My Hero Academia became my primary fandom. I continued to grow and improve my character designs and in 2021 I bought a Huion Kamvas Pro 16 to switch to digital art.I take great joy and pride in my work. My current fan related work is centered around my newest inspiration, Lego Monkie Kid. My artwork is largely influenced by flashy designs, power effects, and gorgeous characters. My goal is to create stories, characters, and art that inspire other artists and writers.